event / news

Ciasem12 has been given a wonderful opportunity to host “Cycling Charity” event, a collaboration between ISSI Jakarta Pusat (Ikatan Sport Sepeda Indonesia), YKAI (Yayasan Kanker Anak Indonesia) and Ciasem12 on Sunday, July 30th 2023 to raise awareness on Children who are fighting and surviving cancer, with a theme called “Kembalikan Senyum Sehat Anak Indonesia”, a cycling and donation event.
Children of cancer need help in getting medical supplies that are still hard to acquire, transportation to get treatments such as chemotherapy to hospitals and most medications are not provided by BPJS. Gatot Sugandi, owner of Ciasem12 was pleased that this event can raise awareness and at the same time gather many cycling communities to get together and donate for a wonderful cause.
We are grateful to host a series of social activities, supported by fine institutions. With help coming from Artha Graha Peduli, we were able to distribute 1000 basic food stock (paket sembako) to children cancer fighters and community in need.Much gratitude are conveyed to great institutions and philanthropists for the donations, such as PT Teknologi Roset Global Investama, Artha Graha Group, Hamba Allah, Tata Logam Group, Novian Herbowo dan istri Alisia Rininta.
The event was a success thanks to the generous support from Delifru, Greenfields, Toza, Whole Chips, Heavenly Blush, Ayam Nona Tjioe, Amez, Jags Signature, Cleo, Krispy Kreme, times4bike, Sinarmas MSIG life, Ramoe, Pocari Sweat, Kerotian, Honest, Spoon, Syrup Dripp, and dr. Yuliardi from Brawijaya Hospital.
High appreciation to Walikota Jakarta Pusat, Denpom, Kodam, Dandim, Polres, KONI, and Dispora. Much gratitide for Taladan Cycling Club, ROCC, BOC, and other participants for joining and be a part of the event.
We are hoping to be a part of much more social and impactful events in the near future.